5. Required Assignment
To learn more about tutors and the tutoring environment, please read one of the following passages from your tutor handbooks, if your program has assigned you one of the following:
- LitStart, Chapter 1, pages 4-11
- Tutor, pages 139-146
- Teaching Adults: A Literacy Resource Book, pages 7-17
Or you may read this online passage instead:
While this passage is geared towards tutoring children, the principles of good tutoring hold for tutoring adults as well: empathy, preparation, outlook, passion, open-mindedness, and reliability. Click on the link below the image.
While this passage is geared towards tutoring children, the principles of good tutoring hold for tutoring adults as well: empathy, preparation, outlook, passion, open-mindedness, and reliability. Click on the link below the image.
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Click on image to see a larger version |
"Characteristics of a Good Tutor" at http://www.onlinetutoringworld.com/hometutoring/tutor-quality.htm
Optional activity
Flip quickly through your tutoring handbook and make note of the topics that will be covered. Will your questions be answered in these books? If not, develop a list of questions.
Vicky and friends,
I think this is a great assignment. In my most recent tutor training, several tutors mentioned how that section helped. I think sometimes our volunteers want to help so bad, but really have nothing (or very little) to conceptualize an adult learner.
Vicky and friends,
I think this is a great assignment. In my most recent tutor training, several tutors mentioned how that section helped. I think sometimes our volunteers want to help so bad, but really have nothing (or very little) to conceptualize an adult learner.
It is always good to have a plan when entering unchartered waters. This is where I am, so this assigment helped my confidence.
The LitStart section that I read on Tutoring tips was very helpful to me as someone new to Literacy Tutoring and training.
There was a great deal of difference in the LIT START section on tutor tips and the TUTOR materials. There were some good ideas in Tutor such as calendars,goal setting and ending a match.
I really think Lit Start is well organized and helpful. I also took a look at some of the online resource material. I think I am starting to understand what being a tutor means....
Well organized and helpful.
Completed 3/26/09
I have worked with children for years and this info on tutoring adults is very helpful. Mostly common sense, but it does help to read it.
The acquisition of literacy skills really is a joint venture between the student and the instructor. The beauty of being in a one-on- one teaching situation is that there is a greater freedom to tailor the lesson to fit the needs of the student. One size need not fit all. So you take the measure of the student and cut your "cloth" accordingly.
"Tutoring is not so much an act of sharing information as it is a process of empowering."
Good article. Enjoyed characteristics of good tutors -applicable to varied aspects of life for both personal and professional growth.
I totally agree with what an adult tutor needs to have to be able to succeed with her students.
"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." The article for those of us without books reminds us of this concept. Learners live in a learning environment, and we need to help them capitalize on that so that they can learn more than they could ever learn in tutoring sessions.
I think my questions will be answered as much as is possible before I meet my student. From that point on we can find the answers together.
The article on how to be a good tutor was instructive.
I believe empathy is a critical characteristic.
This is a good reminder that there are so many considerations to bring a positive outcome to the relationship and to address the learner's needs in the process.
A tutor needs to be a non selfish person as they are giving of themselves to help someone else achieve their goals. A tutor needs to know when to motivate and when to take the lead. Al of this comes from being comfortable with what you are doing and the ability to organize. Finally you need to be flexible if the situation warrants. If your learner is having a bad day, being empathic may be the key for that session, not so much on the material to cover. Empathy will build a trusting relationship which will make learning easier.
Good online article.
I do not have tutoring handbook so I can not comment on that information.
I appreciate the definition of functional literacy - helpful for managing my own expectations.
Lit Start is well organized and helpful.
I think the portions of the text on developing our "plan of attack" with the learner and getting everything going will be most helpful. Once started, I imagine things will fall into place, but knowing how to begin in a way that makes me and my learner feel confident is going to be crucial.
In reviewing the topics Learning Disabilities, Selecting materials and Maintaining motivation are the topics I feel may require a little more assistance with my students.
After reviewing the topics in the handbook, it appears that anything I need will be addressed, however I say this out of ignorance - this is my first time tutoring and I may still be unaware of other issues that may arise.
This is great assignment. I learned a lot of tips for how to tutor, especially creative ways that make lessons more fun!
Assignment completed.
The "How to be a Tutor" article is not available.
I meant "How to be a Good Tutor"---probably forgot the "good" since I was distracted after not being able to read the article.
So far so good. This information is outstanding! I read the tutorials and watched the video of the tutors' success theories and it really sounded like me on there. My characteristics, my experiences. Oh, I am so excited. I'm so excited, I'm so excited! Thank you AmeriCorps for this opportunity for me to empower others...the right and more effective way. Together, we can make a difference.
I really enjoyed the chapter on lesson planning. I also find the strategy tips to be helpful.
This assignment was very helpful for me. Useful common sense knowledge.
This assignment helped me tremendously being that I just began tutoring. Good organization.
How can I obtain tutor handbooks.
Completed lesson 5 but want to wait until I can obtain tutoranual
I would like to read more about tutoring skills. I have reserved some books at the library and I will also inquire with my contact at the literacy group. No textbooks were given or mentioned.
As I navigate through here - and through the links - I keep finding materials/links which are no longer available due to lack of funding it seems. Pretty sad! For example - I clicked on the Link for COPIAN to check out some documentation for tutors, and the Canadian Govt stopped funding it, so it's no longer available.
I enjoyed reading the tips. It gave me great advice on how to deal with individuals and meet them where they are in their learning.
Re: Characteristics of a Good Tutor
I would have thought that something that has been visited 600K times would have been combed for mistakes by now (e.g. "loosing" professionalism?).
The overall information and suggestions in this tutorial are very helpful, and though not really "new", are still great reminders of how to focus the material and tutoring sessions on the adult learner. After more than 5 yrs of teaching adult students in a Vocational College, it really is true that they need to know that you care about them personally and have their best interest at heart. Good introduction! BJS
This was a helpful article. I was distracted by some grammatical errors in the writing, however! I really liked the emphasis on reliability and trustworthiness. These characteristics need to be modeled and cultivated on both sides of the desk!
Good insight! Completed the assignment.
When you have an adult learner who for tutoring and they are always bored, lazy, late, and absent then you as a tutor may need to evaluate why you are even there to teach in the first. The Participants you work with are going to reflect the amount of effort you put into wanting to teach or lack their of.
The factors that would cause me to drop out of tutoring are if their is a death in the family. Also if one or more family members had a chronic illness or injury that resulted in the need for long term care.
I believe that these same factors definitely cause a participant to leave the program. However, some participants will use these factors to push themselves even further into the program so it could go either way.
I was not able to access the article, but just from experience so far, I can tell that the characteristics of a good tutor listed in photo are definitely characteristics that a tutor should possess. I noticed that reliability is right in the center. I have had instances in my adult education program in which participants want to sign up for our program to get extra help because the tutor shows up late for sessions. You have to be reliable. I can imagine that the participant is already feeling anxious about receiving services. Being late for the session only intensifies what the anxiety that they have already.
The passage characteristics of a good tutor said it was geared to children but I disagree. It applies greatly to adults, I've had many types of jobs and careers from Management, HR, Customer Service, Military, IT, Sales, you name it and had to be taught as well as taught others. All the characteristics were needed to be successful as an adult. It's leading by example, your student/participant will follow your lead and trust you.
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completed 4/26
What about effective communication skills...listening, above all?
While it is important for the student to learn to read and write properly - depending upon their goals, it is also acceptable to forget the "small stuff". If they don't intend to write a book or article, do they really need to know possessive apostrophes to the letter?
Be encouraging so frustration doesn't lead to a student quitting.
The "Tutoring Adults" section in LitStart had very good tips on how to handle your tutoring session and how to mainly focus on the participant's goals
I will strive to help the participant realize that we are partners,peers that make decisions together.
FYI - "The Characteristics of a Good Tutor" article link is no longer valid. The domain is now for sale but there are links up to ESL websites. I'm not sure if these are working. Thanks, Stacy
Even though the link for "The Characteristics of a Good Tutor" is broken, I would like to focus on one of the bubbles from the image listed on the blog site. When i saw the image, preperation was the one word that stood out to me. As a tutor, you have to me physically as well as mentally prepared to assist the adult learners that come to you. Physically, you need to assess and assist them with their goals. As a tutor, you need to mentally prepare with patience and thoughts of how to deconstruct your lesson further to prevent frustration. As a tutor, we must be prepared to do our job, or we risk wasting our adult learners time.
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